Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pack Your Bags!

Packing is one of the most important aspects of a fruitful, satisfying travel experience. Too often packing is left til the last minute, and no planning is put into it - willy nilly, items are thrown into bags and the packer hopes for the best. Avoid the last minute frustration of trying, trying, trying to close that suitcase! and read on for some tips on organizing ahead of time, and reducing your last minute packing stress.


Possibly the most important decision (other than location!) one can make is, what kind of bags to bring? There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the right bag for your trip, from weight to size to (yes, indeed) color.
Bag Size
The first thing to consider, obviously, is bag size. How long will you be traveling? Where are you going? Hot clime, arctic vacation, somewhere temperate? What will you be doing? Casual exploring, high class dining, fancy balls, beach combing?

A good rule of thumb for number of outfits is as follows:

Shirts - 1.5 per day (5 days = 7.5 shirts, round up to 8)
Pants - 1 per day, plus 1 spare for every 3 days
Underwear - 1 per day, plus 1 spare for every 2 days
Socks - Same as Underwear

Books on Packing

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